After driving up to Idaho after the Young Living Farm Day.  We arrived late at our friends The Killpacks.  Their family had already left the day before to go camping at Buttermilk Camp ground in Island Park Idaho.  It is about 50 miles from Yellowstone National Park.  Drew came back down to Rigby to meet us and we stayed over night at their house

Little did we know what a great time was going to be in-store for us over the next three days.  We woke early this morning had breakfast and started the drive north, about an hour and 15mins north to the camp ground.  On the way we drove through Rexburg Idaho the home of BYU Idaho & the Rexburg Temple.  It is a really lovely town and college campus with the temple sitting prominent on the hill above the campus and town.  Courtney was so impressed she even mentioned she would like to go to college here.

We arrived at the camp ground. Which is just like you'd imaging an American campground to look like.  Lot's of R.V.'s around and camper trailers.  Not that we were complaining coz the Killpacks lets us sleep in theirs which was really comfortable.

We had a quick bite to eat then headed up to Yellowstone.  This was one of the places I wanted to visit and photograph for years.  What ever I say here will not do it justice.  It was everything I thought it would be and more!!!!

The 1st thing that hits you is the shear size.  The park is huge.  In fact the whole are is in the mouth of a large extinct volcano.  Hence all the geysers and syzemic activity.  The wildlife was spectacular and the weather was just beautiful a perfect day for photography.  Of course if you have come all this way you want to shoot it right.  I think the Killpacks were surprised when i pulled out the camera, tripod, filters etc at some of the more scenic spots.

It is 4th of July weekend here so the park was packed.  Thousands of cars and people  you could always tell if there was some wildlife ahead as there would be heaps of cars parked off the side of the road.

Our 1st wild life interaction was with some female Elk, frolicking in the river.  When them went and photo'd some natural wonders geysers and pools etc.  The smell of sulphur was a bit on the nose, but everyone seemed to cope.  We came across a herd of Bison and their pic are included here too.  On the drive out of the park we saw some more female elk up close this time and I snapped a couple.

We drove back to camp earlyish and Drew cooked and awesome evening meal.

Here are some of the pics enjoy.  I have so much to write I just can't get enough time.

Please note that I have compressed these files really small to fit this site so some of the colour and image quality has been compromised.

Lis Conlon
5/7/2012 07:00:06 pm

Fabulous shots. You are going to have an amazing photo archive after this trip. That bison was majestic!


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