It is hard to explain the excitement that has been building over the last week or so.  Well it has all come to a head tonight.  The packing has begun in ernest.  The kids are planning a late night so they can sleep on the plane.  Ha!!  I don't think that will happen!!  Some incredible things have happened over the last week to bring this all together.  We were concerned we could not find anyone to house sit for us and feed 'Jack'  our dog.  But the answer to prayer came from our niece Ashley Craig who coincidentally needed a place for a month to help out a flat mate.  So Jodie can relax totally now.  Madi was going to take Jack to her house but this way he gets to stay in his own environment.

All the kids pack their own bags, with a final audit by mum just to make sure.  It's 12:19 now and surprise, surprise the kids are all in bed........so much for the all nighter.  The kids are what is going to make this trip for me.  They are just a joy to be with at the moment.

I interviewed all the kids as we will be keeping a video diary of the trip.  Hopefully I can make a real nice movie for them at the end of all this for them to show their kids on day.  I may post some excerpts here through the journey.  I hope you enjoy this blog and in some way join us in this journey.

Genna thrilled she is finished packing
Thomas busy packing....... NOT !!!
Mission Accomplished all bags packed and Courtney is excited about it.